We strongly hope that you and your family members remain healthy and you could avoid the economic impact on your business as far as possible.

As countries around the world implement measures to protect their people and communities, we are also taking the safety protocols serious in RAS.

As the COVID-19 pandemic is evolving, we continue to take steps to ensure the health and safety of our employees, customers and products as well.

·      Our business continuity response teams are ready to handle the situation and manage the risk as the situation evolves locally and the risk level changes, we will act responsibly to implement the required protocols based on the national risk assessments measures.

·      Our networks is composed of reliable suppliers and trustworthy employees.

·      We observe our supply chain carefully in order to comply to the latest health authorities’ rules/needs in each market where we operate.

We are acting based on the latest Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Persons with Potential 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance, and are taking every measure possible to give assurance about  your markets’ safety and wellbeing at every stage of your shipments with us.

Producing safe and sound products will always be our priority.

We want you to feel comfortable, informed and confident when confirming any orders with RAS, WE ARE ALWAYS TOGETHER and we greatly value your TRUST and CONFIDENCE.

Kind regards!

Ali Soltani